Monday, 8 January 2007

Episode 8 - Bad Day at Blue Hill House

Another Monday successfully navigated,

Unfortunately, this Monday veered from the irritating, via the slightly annoying all the way over to sad and tragic.

Irritating - a neanderthal driving a white van spent most of my journey to work trying to get in my boot. Any closer and it would've been intimate. Also, he must had new main beam lights for Christmas as he was so keen to show me and anyone else who got in his way. All this and it was absolutely pissing it down, too.

Slightly annoying - got told that I'm to be moved to another section. Only annoying slightly as I don't mind my current colleagues that much. Now I have to learn to be apathetic to new lot.

Sad and Tragic - I have a good buddy in work who I was keen to meet up with after the Christmas beak. For the last five years we've gone to lunch together, we share similar interests and laugh at each others jokes (OK, so he's just being polite.....well, I am!) and sometime put the world to rights.

Trouble was, he hasn't been around for a week and as it turned out for not good reasons. He'd kept it quiet for a little while, but his wife was pregnant. Trouble is, when they went for the 12 week scan they discovered that she had miss-carried. Needless to say, my heart went out to both of them. Its difficult to know what to say that could possible be of any comfort, but I think we all feel we have to say something? My wife and I, too, have know this kind of loss and even then, its difficult to say something that comforts - we knew ourselves that word, although well meaning and heartfelt, could and can never ease the pain.

Its like a death without a body and never having a funeral so that you can say good bye. Cliche, I know but time can heal but though you may learn to cope, it never leaves you. I don't know if my friend will be the same, but sometimes I've wondered about the person that unborn child would've become and it is then when I feel it the most.

Kind of puts life in perspective, doesn't it?

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