Friday, 2 February 2007

Episode 24 - Myths Of The Near Past (pt 3)

One Sunday afternoon Sian's parents came to my parents house, with the intention of sorting out mine and Sian's future. June, a Saturday afternoon wrestler of a woman - big daddy in a wig, parked her self on the sofa next to her slicked backed, pony tailed husband - John. Although, typically, he did the talking (when allowed) it was obvious who was the power behind the throne. Tea and biscuits refused, they (she) set our their stall.

My father and mother were also in a business like mood and not prepared to be bullied by this domineering she-thug and her weaselly other half. Sian and I, apparently, were to be seen and not heard.

Them: Your son will marry our daughter of he'll not see her or the baby.
My Parents: Don't make me laugh. How do you think your going to do that. Its up to these two surely? (pointing at us). And besides, my out son has no job, no prospect of one. More importantly, where do you suppose they live?
Them: Ok, fair point. But the council will give them a house and the Government will provide.
My Parents: That is no foundation for a future.....
Them: But it will do to start with?

Like a game of tennis, this went back and forth for most of the afternoon. The room grew warmer as tempers flared and air thickened with the potential for violence. June's smug demeanor was starting to wear down my fathers iron facade. John and my mother were fast becoming spectators like myself and Sian.

But then - break through.

As if suddenly noticing that Sian and I were actually in the room, my father (like a poker player with a winning hand) said, "What do you two think is best?" Considering what was at stake you'd think that I we would've had an opinion by now. All I could think of was, "Let me and Sian go for a walk so that we chat about it privately...." And that what we did.

We were quite sensible about it as we walked through the streets near my parents house. We both agreed that we shouldn't marry, that we would wait and see how it all turned out. I would get a job and do my best to support us and the baby. We would not, above all, rush into things.

All in all, quite a mature attitude and one that we both agreed upon.

We returned to the house and said all of this to a considerate silence. Soon after Sian and her parents left and things didn't seem so bad. My parents were still quite pissed off with me but at least they had an idea of what the future held.

The script for our future had be written, but as ever, a couple of the lead actors in this particular production had plans for re-writes.

Stay tuned?

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