Sunday, 4 March 2007

Episode 34 - New Horizons?

Doing this blog has been interesting so far. Cathartic.

It has helped me express myself and it has helped me focus, too.

If anything the future has more in store for me on a creative level than it ever did. I'm not saying that I'm going to be the next this or that, but I am saying that I've rediscovered a bit of me that has laid dormant for too long.

Happiness is creativity. Its part of the human condition. We create and we are pleased with what we have done - hence happiness. We can't all be Rembrandt or Tchaikovsky, or Anthony Hopkins or Richard Burton, David Baily or Henry Moore. But in our own small ways we can reach out to others by our ability to create.

Yes, I'm waffling. But I see the way ahead is clear and I know what I must do.

And to top it off, I spent a pleasant day with my daughter - and I can't put a price on that. When my daughter and my three boys are with me I feel a sense of completeness.

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